Thursday, September 25, 2008


Copperbox revision 264.

A major update - I've now made both the Abc and LilyPond parsers do the 'island parsing' in a preprocessing step. This has made them much simpler - and both can use the exprView parser which parses the shape of a post-processed view .

Also the evaluation of a post-processed view has been simplified in OutputMain. Post-processed LilyPond and Abc are both represented as a very simple datatype Expr which has a handy use of higher-order abstract syntax to modify the environment as Expr is being traversed.

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.