Monday, March 31, 2008


Copperbox revision 119.

More work on Chords - again this work is partial so is currently comment out. However it revealed another problem with intervals - I couldn't count up from one pitch to another with an arithmetic distance. So I've added a new function, to do this:

arithmeticStep :: Pitch -> Int -> Pitch

This has shown up a problem with the Pitch instance of`addSemi` whereby the pitch spelling goes wrong. I haven't correct this at the moment as I'm not sure if my obvious fix is correct (the obvious fix is to keep the pitch letter the same and simply alter the accidental).

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Copperbox revision 118.

Added a module to print guitar chords in ascii format, an example:

| @ | @ | @
| | | | @ |
| | @ | | |

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Copperbox revision 117.

Another revision of the Interval module. This time I do recursive counting rather than try to use numbers directly for addition and subtraction.

The new version is simpler, but I still haven't written useful QuickCheck tests for it.


Copperbox revisions 115 & 116.

115 - merged changes from the bala-pitchrep2 branch onto the trunk.

116 - added a new format module to print ascii art pianos - useful for counting intervals manually.


Copperbox revision 114.

The latest iteration of intervals had bugs again. I've got rid the ones I've noticed, but really they need to be designed out rather than fixed. There's still a bit of work to do on intervals.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Copperbox revision 113.

Some more work on intervals - a new function extr (which needs renaming) it generates the suceeding pitch by adding an interval.

extr :: Pitch -> Interval -> Pitch

Also a bit of work on pitch spelling, and some work on a new chord representation. The chord representation is just a sketch and currently hidden inside comments.


Copperbox revisions 111 & 112.

Revision 112 - Reinstated the interval naming functions in the module Interval.
(Note they could do with better names).

Revision 111 - Some tidying up of the Pitch code - the redundant type class SemiToneCount has been removed (it is replaced by the class Semitones).

New functions added to the interval Interval module to find the arithmetic distance between two pitches and to build an interval from two pitches (arithmeticDistance and buildInterval).

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Copperbox revision 110.

Intervals are now represented by natural numbers. Trying to account for negative numbers made the previous Num instance complicated and buggy.

I think addition and subtraction on intervals can be adequately represented as with just natural numbers for semitone count and and arithmetic distance, but I'll have to work out some QuickCheck properties to test this idea.


Copperbox revision 109.

Intervals can now be added or subtracted - they have been made a Num instance.

Some of the other members of Num - (*) and signum - are a bit more dubious for operating on intervals and need more thought.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Copperbox revision 108.

The datatype Pitch is now an instance of Num - handy for adding and subtracting pitches. Multiply, abs and signum are no doubt less useful operations.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Copperbox revision 107.

Changes to get Korda running again - mainly semitone displacement (adding and subtracting) on the Pitch representation data types.


Copperbox revision 106.

Various bits of fixing on the pitch-rep branch.

Notably, I'm no longer using Read and Show for pretty instances, instead I'm using two new classes Affi and Deco. Its a pity there isn't a convention for prettier versions of Read & Show in Haskell, so currently I have my own. Also there are some new pretty-print combinators for ShowS rather than Doc (in BaseExtra).

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Copperbox revisions 103, 104 & 105.

Revision 103 - corrected an error in TextualMidi that was stopping MidiPrint compiling.

Revision 104 - created a branch for Bala to use a new pitch representation - branch bala-pitchrep2.

Revision 105 - added first tranche of changes on the branch bala-pitchrep2. The intention is that new pitch representation should make arithmetic operations on pitches easier (e.g. adding semitones , adding octaves) and should help with pitch spelling.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Copperbox revisions 101 & 102.

102 - Deleted the JSON external format module for Bala. JSON is inherently unordered making it a poor choice for externalising music representations that in many cases are ordered.

101 - More work on intervals and chords. Added conversion for Bala.Base pitch representation to and from the ABC pitch representation so that pitches can be printed in ABC. Removed a name clash in the Midi lib that had probably been lurking for some time.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Copperbox is 100.

Extended the Base.Chord module with labelled chords (e.g Cmaj7) . The Read instance for labelled chords is unfortunately rather messy as the chord names don't split nicely into sub-tokens.

At 100, it would be nice if bits of Copperbox were useful - unfortunately they aren't. The C front end and the ASDL tool seem like dead ends - while it would be nice to use Haskell to analyse C code (and get the great tools into the bargain e.g. Strafunski and its successors, UUAG...) the only game in town for analysing C is OCaml and CIL.

Bala is making slow progress. It doesn't feel very Haskell-like at the moment - the core data types don't have many operations other than Read and Show instances. While I don't mind this as the current focus - using data types and constructors natively in Haskell for music representation can be still be very verbose compared to say ABC format - I have some concerns that I'm not getting to the heart of the form of the data types and how they should work.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Copperbox revision 99.

Changes -

The Pitch instance of `addSemi` had an error - it wasn't accounting for octave displacement on PitchLetter changes.

The combinator zac was really scanl (+).

The PitchLetter constructors have been rotated so that C is the lowest.


Copperbox revision 98.

Minor updates to Korda & Base.Scale.

Korda - finger positions are represented as Maybe Int rather than a hand rolled datatype, this means I can use fmap and gain some uniformity.

Base.Scale - build scales from interval patterns, plus some common interval patterns (modes, pentatonic scales, raga scales).

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Copperbox revision 97.

I've added an example module Korda to display pitches from guitar chord fingerings.

While it is just a sketch it did point out that the PitchRep module needed some facility to perform limited calculations on pitches (i.e. add semitones or octaves to them). Two type classes have been added to PitchRep to add and subtract semitones and octaves.

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.