Friday, April 30, 2010


Copperbox revision 1293.

I've started a new project for UTT - uniform triadic transformations - as they don't look like a good fit for bala-core.

Actually, I'm suspecting that bala-core won't live up to its plan as being a general set of data types and operations for pitch, intervals, meter patterns etc. Formalisms like UTT demand their own representations so having some common 'core' data types hopefully shared between formalisms isn't satisfactory.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Copperbox revision 1292.

I've made a new release of precis - 0.3.1. I actually made a release at 0.3.0 by svn had a commit problem and while reported a failure while the commit seemingly worked, so I've bumped the version number and remade the binary.

Version 0.3.X added type signature and data declaration diffs.

Copperbox revision 1291 - commit failed on this one, so I consider precis-0.3.0 invalid


Copperbox revision 1290.

I've change the error handling in main to exit with a status code (exitWith) rather than just use error. Also added diff-ing instance declarations as they are globally exported (from exposed modules only, though).


Copperbox revision 1289.

I've made a release archive of the current Precis.


Copperbox revision 1288.

I've done some tidying up - moved Precis.CPP out of the library to live with Main, removed some unused code. Even though there a gaps in functionality that stop Precis being generally useful, I might make a release as-is.


Copperbox revision 1287.

I've improved the clarity of the output report so it shows module names usefully (previously it wasn't showing the module name if the parse failed).


Copperbox revision 1286.

I've reimplemented diff-ing the export lists of exported modules using the new properties code.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Copperbox revision 1285.

More work towards being able to compare modules. I've removed the code that transforms a Module into a ModulePrecis. Instead I'll perform (probably repeated) property extracting traversals over a Module to collect properties export lists, type class instances...


Copperbox revision 1284.

I've removed the Diff module and done a fair amount of the work needed to replace it.


Copperbox revision 1283.

I've added a module of formatting combinators operating on ShowS. Hopefully I should now be in a position to work on removing the Diff module as the bits are in place to supersede it.


Copperbox revision 1282.

I've renamed the Metrics module to Properties (and the ModuleMetrics module to ModuleProperties). Code in both modules has been changed to refer to properties rather than metrics. As I wasn't collecting some measure calling them metrics seemed incorrect.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Copperbox revision 1281.

More work on metrics. I can now credit 'edit-distance' style differences of lists of properties (currently I still consider these property lists 'metrics' but that might be incorrect). This allows me to list e.g. which modules have been added and removed from a package.


Copperbox revision 1280.

More work on metrics, though the code isn't hooked in to the Main module yet.


Copperbox revision 1279.

I've added more error handling and started a module for collecting metrics. I think I can get better 'differences' between files by collecting metrics over an intact (via haskell-src-exts) parse tree rather than the current method of reducing the parse tree to a simplified baked in representation.


Copperbox revision 1278.

I've added initial code for handling file missing and parse errors for the Cabal file. Other error handling (e.g. source file parsing) will need implementing likewise, plus I'll have to move into some Precis-monad to organise it all.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Copperbox revision 1277.

I've changed the source code file processing to work on pairs of new and old files rather than build a big lookup table of all modules. Though the code to do this is currently a bit crummy, as I haven't thought about an error handling strategy.


Copperbox revision 1276.

Work towards processing pairs of old and new source files at a time.

Ideally I would have done it this way in the first place, but to get something working quickly yesterday I read all files in package and put them in a lookup table. Once in the lookup table I could compare by name between two projects.


Copperbox revision 1275.

I've made Precis run CppHs before parsing. This stops the #line parse errors. Haskell-src-exts seems to support line pragmas but maybe the have to be in Haskell syntax, e.g. {-# LINE 3 #-}.


Copperbox revision 1274.

Initial work to add support for a HsCPP pass - parsing MonadLib's src code still throws a parse error due to #line though.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Copperbox revision 1273.

The main program now works, unfortunately the results aren't very impressive. The parse fails on CPP for instance, instance declarations aren't recognized and when results are recognized they aren't presented very clearly.

Still its a start...


Copperbox revision 1272.

I've added a Main module and started working towards having a runnable program.


Copperbox revision 1271.

I've simplified tracking exported items within the ModuleExportPrecis data type. This is so I should be able to compare lists from different (old and new) modules more easily.


Copperbox revision 1270.

More work - I can now print the exports of all the exposed haskell modules in a package.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Copperbox revision 1269.

I'm having another look at Precis seeing as there's quite a hullabaloo about package diffs at the moment.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Copperbox revision 1268.

Initial work with UTTs (uniform triadic transformations) - UTTs look promising as an 'operator' for coding harmonic transformations.


Copperbox revision 1267.

I've added yesterday's prototype meter pattern DSL to bala-core.

One thing I didn't think of is how to subdivide the beat into smaller units than 1. Currently I have the one combinator - if a beat has a length of two, then one divides it into 2 unit length notes, but to get say eighth notes in in 2/4 time I need to subdivide again. At the moment, I can't do this.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A DSEL for manipulating meter patterns

I've made a DSEL for manipulating meter patterns. The genesis for the work on Charcoal was to find a DSEL for manipulating musical structures (either pitches or rhythms), but I found that the Charcoal style - using characteristic functions - didn't match well with music as music doesn't seem to have a natural coordinate space.

So I ended up with a DSEL that rewrites the input meter pattern with by augmentation (combining 2 or more beats) or diminution (splitting beats up).

Here is the current draft:

module DemoMetrical6 where

type H a = [a] -> [a]

type MeterPattern = [Int]

fromH :: H a -> [a]
fromH = ($ [])

consH :: a -> H a
consH a = (a:)

replicateH :: Int -> a -> H a
replicateH n a = step n id where
step i f | i <= 0 = f
| otherwise = step (i-1) (f . (a:))


hijaz_mp :: MeterPattern
hijaz_mp = [2,2,3]

-- This should be opaque at the module level...
newtype Alg a = Alg {
getAlg :: (Int -> a) -> MeterPattern -> (H a, MeterPattern) }

dim :: Alg a
dim = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = (replicateH n (f 1), ns)

one :: Alg a
one = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = (consH $ f n, ns)

(+++) :: Alg a -> Alg a -> Alg a
(+++) af ag = Alg $ \ f ns -> let (h1,ns') = (getAlg af) f ns
(h2,ns'') = (getAlg ag) f ns'
in (h1 . h2, ns'')

-- Clever, is the (necessary) type restriction on the first
-- parameter too restrictive though?
crushWith :: Alg Int -> ([Int] -> Int) -> Alg a
crushWith alg sf = Alg $ \ f u -> let (h,ns') = (getAlg alg) id u
in (consH $ f $ summarize sf h, ns')

summarize :: ([a] -> a) -> H a -> a
summarize f hf = f $ hf []

aug :: Int -> Alg a
aug i | i < 1 = error "aug - must always consume some input"
aug i = (step i one) `crushWith` sum
step 1 alg = alg
step n alg = step (n-1) (alg +++ one)

div2 :: (Int -> (Int,Int)) -> Alg a
div2 df = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = let (a,b) = df n in (consH (f a) . consH (f b), ns)

runAlg :: (Int -> a) -> MeterPattern -> Alg a -> [a]
runAlg tc ns alg = fromH $ fst $ (getAlg alg) tc (cycle ns)


one_d_d :: Alg Int
one_d_d = one +++ dim +++ dim

demo1 = runAlg id hijaz_mp one_d_d

demo2 = runAlg id hijaz_mp (aug 3)

demo3 :: [Double]
demo3 = runAlg fromIntegral hijaz_mp (aug 3)

demo4 = runAlg id hijaz_mp (one +++ one +++ div2 (\_ -> (1,2)))

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Copperbox revision 1266.

I've added regions as per Paul Hudak's SOE and region server. Regions are 'proper' characteristic functions i.e. Point -> Bool - True indicating the point is in the region.


Copperbox revision 1265.

I can now draw polygons and the unit disk. Code to do this is derived from Jerzy Karczmarczuk's Clastic - it will take some work to be able to do this for myself.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Copperbox revision 1264.

I've started a new (small) project for drawing pictures in the 'characteristic functional' style like Pan or Clastic. Pictures will only be low-res ASCII - my interest is in the mechanics, hopefully illustrating how pictures from Point -> Greyscale work. Clastic is a bit too large, Pan is not open source.

Currently I can draw solid filled pictures only.


Copperbox revision 1263.

More experimenting with the 'Tonal' version of Pitch and Interval data types. Work on generating scales which seems a bit unformed at the moment.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Copperbox revision 1262.

Work on a different representation of Pitch and Intervals. Pitch is represented by pitch-letter and semitone count (octave and accidental can be derived from this). With this representation 'vector-space' operations seem quite a bit easier to define - subtracting two pitches to get an interval; adding an interval to a pitch to get a pitch.


Copperbox revision 1261.

Updates to the dependencies - removing dependency on Data.Aviary.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Copperbox revision 1259.

I've reactivated Bala as Neume is starting to look useful. Bala itself looks very rough, and is due a reorganization.

Copperbox revision 1260.

Renamed the bala/Bala directory to bala/bala-core.


Copperbox revision 1258.

I've removed the Extra.Extended module that was inherited from Mullein with a module solely for Tab notes - i.e. notes with string number annotations.

Extra.Extended was quite grisly as it served rather different purposes in Mullein. I expect that for Neume each extended note type - i.e. notes with string annos, fret diagrams - will have its own module and 'annotation' types rather than trying to share common types (which was the model Extra.Extended was following).

Extended glyphs will share the common primitive glyph types of course, Glyph (for notes, chords, graces...) or MarkupGlyph (for Fret diagrams etc).


Copperbox revision 1257.

I've moved the modules AbcFormat and LilyPondFormat from Extra to Core. This means that simple scores (i.e. ones with only notes, not percussion or guitar chords) can work by importing modules from Neume.Core to ABC or LilyPond only, though they will miss e.g. all the named notes.

This was the intention when I moved some code out into Extra in the first place - however as I was developing, some code didn't naturally fit this distinction. Now that I've much of the work prototyped at least, its easier to see where things should go.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Copperbox revision 1256.

I've done some work removing no longer used code from the Core.Pitch and Core.Duration modules. Also I've moved the spelling map code for ABC from Core.Pitch into a new module Core.SpellingMap.


Copperbox revision 1255.

Guitar tab output is now working in the GuitarTab.hs example.

The current Neume has as much functionality (overlays, repeats, guitar tab, fret diagrams) as any of my previous attempts so I've made an archive Neume-0.2.0 as a checkpoint. Its still a long way off being release quality - a lot of the code has been written quickly to get some kind of output; but it is something of a high water mark.

New picture on Flickr of tab output.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Copperbox revision 1254.

String number annotations can now be generated in the output. However the example could doesn't yet build a printable score, so the results cannot be seen.


Copperbox revision 1253.

Work towards supporting printing annotations in LilyPond - particularly string number for tabs.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Copperbox revision 1252.

I've started work on a new example that will generate LilyPond guitar tab output.


Copperbox revision 1251.

I've changed the shorthand constructors in NamedElements so that the will be able to handle annotations like string number better. I've also removed a lot ones that weren't used and added an underscore suffix to the note names. This makes the note names rather cumbersome, but it means they aren't name-space squatting for good, single letter names.


Copperbox revision 1250.

I've changed the Note type so that it no longer carries duration - instead the Note constructor of the Glyph type carries duration. This is more consistent with the other Glyph constructors - I don't know why I hadn't spotted the inconsistency earlier.


Copperbox revision 1249.

I've changed the type of the note constants (actually more constructors than constants). This is work towards adding string number annotations for tabs. Neume inherited quite a lot of code from Mullein for these features - unfortunately the code is all over the place as it never really got used.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Copperbox revision 1248.

I've made the Guitar Chords example a bit more satisfying. A new picture of the output is on Flickr...


Copperbox revision 1247.

The example GuitarChords.hs is now producing output.


Copperbox revision 1246.

Work towards printing fret diagram scores with LilyPond. Everything compiles but the example GuitarChords.hs is producing an invalid score at the moment.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Copperbox revision 1245.

I've implemented a new traversal for changing Duration to (Maybe Duration) for LilyPond. In the end I decided not to use a traversal based on the last post (i.e. separating shape and contents), and I'm using one that tracks an index instead so it knows when it is at the first note in a bar.

The new traversal is polymorphic on glyph - whereas the previous one only handled 'standard' glyphs.

Shape contents traversal...

Here's a bit of code using Neume's StateMap class an a Hughes list that separates the shape of data from its contents. In the code here elementary could also be coded as map (map f), but more inventive "elemenentary" functions are possible.

module ShapeContents where

import Neume.Core.Utils
import Neume.Core.Utils.HList

elementary :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
elementary f xss = reassemble (map f contents) shape
(shape, contents) = decompose xss

decompose :: [[a]] -> ([[()]],[a])
decompose xss = fmap2b ($ []) $ stmap fn id xss
fn stf row = (row1, stf . h1) where (row1,h1) = decompose1 row

decompose1 :: StateMap f => f a -> (f (), H a)
decompose1 = stmap fn id where
fn stf a = ((), stf `snoc` a)

reassemble :: [a] -> [[()]] -> [[a]]
reassemble xs shape = fst $ stmap (stmap fn) xs shape where
fn (s:st) () = (s,st)
fn _ () = error $ "reassemble - run out of data"


Copperbox revision 1244.

I've tidied up a lot of the stmap instances by using a combinator stBinary that merges two stateful maps.


Copperbox revision 1243.

I've reimplemented the beam group / bar splitting function that allows an anacrusis. This function seems to get dropped each time a change the bar splitting algorithm.


Copperbox revision 1242.

Minor tidying up - I've removed some odd functions from Utils.Common and uses of Data.Sequence. When I had been using Data.Sequence I only wanted it for 'snoc-ing', now I'm doing this with a Hughes list.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Copperbox revision 1241.

The LilyPond code now uses Phrase rather than StaffPhrase and splits with the new bar / beaming code.


Copperbox revision 1240.

The example ABC_B6.hs is now working again - as the new beam grouping code has been fixed. Other examples won't be working at the moment, as all the LilyPond code needs changing to use the Phrase datatype rather than the StaffPhrase type and incorporate the new bar splitting code.


Copperbox revision 1239.

Work towards unifying the phrase syntax. I've changed ABC to use the new beam grouping / bar splitting and to use the Phrase type rather than the StaffPhrase type. Currently there's a problem that NoteLists are converted to lists of CExprs at the wrong time. This is stopping beam grouping working properly.


Copperbox revision 1238.

I've reorganised the Core.Syntax files to be a bit more unified. The distinction between markup (for fret diagrams etc.) and regular notes, tuplets, chords ... is not going to be as significant as I had previously reckoned.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Copperbox revision 1237.

I've changed the NumMeasured type class to a simpler one DMeasured that doesn't use a type family.

This is part of a round of work to simplify and unify the syntax which is currently split between five modules. The first part of this work will actually be simplifying beam grouping yet again... oh well.


Copperbox revision 1236.

Some tidying up and work towards supporting fret diagrams.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Copperbox revision 1235.

More file renaming.


Copperbox revision 1234.

I've removed the old Score and Section datatypes and moved some of the files around, removing the temporary files that I put in with the last two commits.


Copperbox revision 1233.

I've changed all the examples to use the new Score datatype. With the next commit, I'll remove the old Score code and sort out the file names.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Copperbox revision 1232.

I've added an experiment with the new score type from the 'Type Level Success?' message.

For single - not overlay - ABC scores it does seem pretty good so far.

Type level success?

I've never had much success with type level programming, but maybe this new score representation for Neume means I'm improving (as the name indicates this particular one took seven attempts).

The shape of the score (linear sections, repeated sections, alternative endings), is encoded in the type. That the Show and Functor instance were easy to code indicates that the it might actually be useful. Previously when I've tried type level programming I've ended up with structures that I couldn't actually work with.

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module GADTSection7 where

data Z = Z

data x :. xs = x :. xs

data TLinear
data TRepeat
data TAltRep

data TList shape e where
Nil :: TList Z e
Linear :: e -> TList shape e -> TList (TLinear :. shape) e
Repeat :: e -> TList shape e -> TList (TRepeat :. shape) e
AltRep :: e -> [e] -> TList shape e -> TList (TAltRep :. shape) e

-- Good - shape of the list reflected in its type...

tune0 = Linear "...o..o" $ Nil

tune1 = Linear "....o..o" $ Linear "...o..o" $ Nil

tune2 = Repeat "o.o..o.o" $ Nil

-- Good - disallows junk...
-- tune3 = Linear "....o..o" $ Linear 3000 $ Nil

sameType :: TList sh e -> TList sh e -> Bool
sameType _ _ = True

-- Good - throws error...
-- > sametype tune1 tune2

tune4 = Repeat "........" $ Nil

demo01 = sameType tune2 tune4

tune5 = Linear "o.o....." $ Nil

-- Good ...
-- sameType enforces sameShape not just sameLength
-- demo02 = sameType tune4 tune5

sameShape :: TList sh e -> TList sh e' -> Bool
sameShape _ _ = True

tune6 = Linear 3000 $ Nil

demo03 = sameShape tune5 tune6

instance Functor (TList shape) where
fmap _ Nil = Nil
fmap f (Linear e xs) = Linear (f e) (fmap f xs)
fmap f (Repeat e xs) = Repeat (f e) (fmap f xs)
fmap f (AltRep e es xs) = AltRep (f e) (map f es) (fmap f xs)

instance Show e => Show (TList shape e) where
showsPrec _ Nil = showString "Nil"

showsPrec _ (Linear e xs) =
showString "Linear" . spS . shows e . spS . appS . spS . shows xs

showsPrec _ (Repeat e xs) =
showString "Repeat" . spS . shows e . spS . appS . spS . shows xs

showsPrec _ (AltRep e es xs) =
showString "AltRep" . spS . shows e . spS . showList es . spS
. appS . spS . shows xs

tune7 = AltRep "o.o.o..o" ["o.", ".o"] $ Nil

spS :: ShowS
spS = showChar ' '

appS :: ShowS
appS = showChar '$'

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Copperbox revision 1231.

I've made an archive of the current code. Whilst Neume isn't outwardly useful and a lot of the code is far from pretty, all the examples are currently working so it merits check pointing.


Copperbox revision 1230.

I've fixed the bug where LilyPond was getting relative pitch transformations wrong with overlays. This means that the Overlay1 example is now printing correctly for both ABC and LilyPond...

Unfortunately just to get output the code has become horrible and ad hoc - I think this version of the repository it going to be a high water mark (or cynically a low water mark) for Neume, as I'm going to have to devise a better way of creating and processing scores - i.e. note lists that might be overlayed, repeated etc.


Copperbox revision 1229.

Finally I can get output for LilyPond overlays. There's a bug in the relative pitch transformation, though, which this has highlighted.


Copperbox revision 1228.

Named parallel note lists are now generated for each section in LilyPond output when using overlays. Generating a score that uses them and includes repeats etc. (rather than defines them) is still outstanding.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Copperbox revision 1227.

More work towards overlays in LilyPond - though still nothing to show for it but messy, broken code. More usefully I've corrected a bug in the ABC output where the last alternative repeat ending was incorrectly finalized with a repeat sign. It is now finalized with a double bar.


Copperbox revision 1226.

I've added a typeclass ExtractBarImages to handle the difference between images of 'single' bars and images of bars with overlays.


Copperbox revision 1225.

More work towards supporting overlays in LilyPond output. I've had to track names in more datatypes which means that currently I've broken the ABC overlay example - as I'm now using PhraseOverlayImages differently.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Copperbox revision 1224.

I've added a name field to note lists and phrases (phrase being a note list after it is divided into bars). This is so I can communicate the name to LilyPond's \parallelMusic construct.


Copperbox revision 1223.

I've corrected a long standing but previously unnoticed bug in the LilyPond duration to optional duration transformation.

I've also implemented some of the Show instances to print shorthand, rather than use the derived instances that print all the constructors.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Copperbox revision 1222.

More work towards overlays in LilyPond - a prototype is in place that generates LilyPond code, however it generates bad code. The code has a trivial problem that it doesn't yet use the parallelMusic command which I discovered recently. It also has a serious problem that parallelMusic doesn't work well with repeat symbols - I didn't know this until I started hand editing the generated code to make it print.


Copperbox revision 1221.

Work towards overlays (parallel music) for LilyPond.

LilyPond is significantly harder candidate for overlays than ABC. Rendering can be stateful - so I sometimes must use stmap rather than fmap. Also overlays can have different types i.e. one overlay line can be guitar chords and one normal notes. I'm committing the current work even though it is a way of working, as its in danger of getting complicated, ad hoc very quickly.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Copperbox revision 1220.

Finally, a successful implementation that provides both overlays and score syntax (i.e straight sections, repeats and repeats with alternative endings). Currently ABC only and only overlays of size two.

I'm going to use an arity family of functions vis-a-vis zip2, zip3 etc. Trying something like a typed printf is too complicated given that I have to send quite a few parameters to the rendering function and the 'variable arity' represents the size of paired tuples within a functorial datatype.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Copperbox revision 1219.

I've added an archive of precis.


Copperbox revision 1218.

Some minor tidying up.


Copperbox revision 1217.

The percussion example is now working again.


Copperbox revision 1216.

I've removed the Score typeclass. This means the percussion demo is not curently working, but the Bulgarian6 demo works for both ABC and LilyPond.


Copperbox revision 1215.

I've implemented LilyPond relative pitch output for the new score format.


Copperbox revision 1214.

The new ABC code to replace the Score typeclass (tagless style) is now working. LilyPond version to look at next...


Copperbox revision 1213.

I've made PhraseImage a type rather than a newtype. I've also done a bit more work towards replacing the Repeat etc. type class in ABC (though nothing concrete yet).

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.