Thursday, April 22, 2010

A DSEL for manipulating meter patterns

I've made a DSEL for manipulating meter patterns. The genesis for the work on Charcoal was to find a DSEL for manipulating musical structures (either pitches or rhythms), but I found that the Charcoal style - using characteristic functions - didn't match well with music as music doesn't seem to have a natural coordinate space.

So I ended up with a DSEL that rewrites the input meter pattern with by augmentation (combining 2 or more beats) or diminution (splitting beats up).

Here is the current draft:

module DemoMetrical6 where

type H a = [a] -> [a]

type MeterPattern = [Int]

fromH :: H a -> [a]
fromH = ($ [])

consH :: a -> H a
consH a = (a:)

replicateH :: Int -> a -> H a
replicateH n a = step n id where
step i f | i <= 0 = f
| otherwise = step (i-1) (f . (a:))


hijaz_mp :: MeterPattern
hijaz_mp = [2,2,3]

-- This should be opaque at the module level...
newtype Alg a = Alg {
getAlg :: (Int -> a) -> MeterPattern -> (H a, MeterPattern) }

dim :: Alg a
dim = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = (replicateH n (f 1), ns)

one :: Alg a
one = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = (consH $ f n, ns)

(+++) :: Alg a -> Alg a -> Alg a
(+++) af ag = Alg $ \ f ns -> let (h1,ns') = (getAlg af) f ns
(h2,ns'') = (getAlg ag) f ns'
in (h1 . h2, ns'')

-- Clever, is the (necessary) type restriction on the first
-- parameter too restrictive though?
crushWith :: Alg Int -> ([Int] -> Int) -> Alg a
crushWith alg sf = Alg $ \ f u -> let (h,ns') = (getAlg alg) id u
in (consH $ f $ summarize sf h, ns')

summarize :: ([a] -> a) -> H a -> a
summarize f hf = f $ hf []

aug :: Int -> Alg a
aug i | i < 1 = error "aug - must always consume some input"
aug i = (step i one) `crushWith` sum
step 1 alg = alg
step n alg = step (n-1) (alg +++ one)

div2 :: (Int -> (Int,Int)) -> Alg a
div2 df = Alg $ \ f u -> step f u
step _ [] = (id,[])
step f (n:ns) = let (a,b) = df n in (consH (f a) . consH (f b), ns)

runAlg :: (Int -> a) -> MeterPattern -> Alg a -> [a]
runAlg tc ns alg = fromH $ fst $ (getAlg alg) tc (cycle ns)


one_d_d :: Alg Int
one_d_d = one +++ dim +++ dim

demo1 = runAlg id hijaz_mp one_d_d

demo2 = runAlg id hijaz_mp (aug 3)

demo3 :: [Double]
demo3 = runAlg fromIntegral hijaz_mp (aug 3)

demo4 = runAlg id hijaz_mp (one +++ one +++ div2 (\_ -> (1,2)))

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.