Sunday, November 3, 2013


Copperbox revision 3013.

I've added an accumulating impulse map to the EventList structures - this should work in a similar manner to anchors in Wumpus (which in turn took them from TikZ).

I haven't yet tidied up the Answer type - a better thing to do looks like adding a general Writer-State monad instead. This should be a better opportunity to factor some code as all the EventList monads can be built with a Writer-State monad.

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.