Sunday, July 29, 2012


Copperbox revision 2819.

I've added function definition and application to the TopLevel syntax layer. This means you can now embed functions "properly" [*] in Wumpus-Expr, although you can't compile them yet as the translator needs extending.

[*] Properly embedding functions in Wumpus-Expr means they are defined as-is in the target language rather than inlined into a huge expression. This is important as Wumpus-Expr has function definitions specifically to reduce code size.

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.