Thursday, January 12, 2012

supercollider gong

Here's the FM gong I implemented last summer in Csound:

SynthDef("fm-gong", {
 arg freq, dr = 1.0, amp = 1.0;
 var mod1sig, mod1f = freq * 1.16;
 var mod2sig, mod2f = freq * 3.14;
 var mod3sig, mod3f = freq * 1.005;
 var idx1a = 0.01 * mod1f;
 var idx1b = 0.30 * mod1f;
 var idx1scaler   = idx1b - idx1a;

 var idx2a = 0.01 * mod2f;
 var idx2b = 0.38 * mod2f;
 var idx2scaler   = idx2b - idx2a;

 var idx3a = 0.01 * mod3f;
 var idx3b = 0.50 * mod3f;
 var idx3scaler   = idx3b - idx3a;

 var mod1env, mod2env, mod3env, ampenv;
 var carsig;

 mod1env =
  Env(levels: [0,1,1,0], times: [0.75*dr, 0.24*dr, 0.01*dr]),
  doneAction: 2);

 mod2env =
  Env(levels: [0,1,0], times: [0.02*dr, 0.98*dr]),
  doneAction: 2);

 mod3env =
  Env(levels: [ 0, 0.3, 1, 0.5, 0], times: [0.15 * dr, 0.15 *dr, 0.45*dr, 0.25*dr]),
  doneAction: 2);

 // Exp curve...
 ampenv =
  Env(levels: [ 0, 1, 0.001], times: [0.002, dr - 0.002], curve: \exp),
  doneAction: 2);

 mod1sig = mod1f);
 // envelope the signal, afterwards
 mod1sig = mod1sig * ((idx1a + idx1scaler) * mod1env);

 mod2sig = mod2f);
 // envelope the signal, afterwards
 mod2sig = mod2sig * ((idx2a + idx2scaler) * mod2env);

 mod3sig = mod3f);

 // envelope the signal, afterwards
 mod3sig = mod3sig * ((idx3a + idx3scaler) * mod3env);

 carsig = + mod1sig + mod2sig + mod3sig);, carsig * ampenv * amp); 


Possibly I can use 'mul' rather than envelope the modulator signals afterwards.

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Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.