Here's a List nested datatype with just fmap and length operations, it took a lot of head scratching to get this far:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
-- Hinze, Manufacturing Datatypes page 9
-- Okasaki, From Fast Exponentiation ... page 30
module List where
import Data.Char ( chr ) -- for tests
import Prelude hiding ( length )
type Vector = Vector' ()
data Vector' t a = Zero t
| Succ (Vector' (a,t) a)
deriving (Eq,Show)
type List = Vector
list00 :: List Int
list00 = Zero ()
list01 :: List Int
list01 = Succ (Zero (1, ()))
list02 :: List Int
list02 = Succ (Succ (Zero (1, (2, ()))))
list03 :: List Int
list03 = Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero (1, (2, (3, ()))))))
mapL :: (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
mapL = mapV ()
-- Perform the map by destructing the list, applying f to the
-- /head/ and recurvisely working on the tail, then consing the
-- structure back into shape.
-- The initial value for /Zero/ needs to be supplied as a
-- parameter.
mapV :: t -> (a -> b) -> Vector' t a -> Vector' t b
mapV t0 f xs = let ans = desV xs in
case ans of
Nothing -> Zero t0
Just (a,rest) -> consV (f a) (mapV t0 f rest)
instance Functor List where
fmap = mapV ()
length :: Vector a -> Int
length = lengthV
lengthV :: Vector' t a -> Int
lengthV (Zero _) = 0
lengthV (Succ xs) = 1 + lengthV xs
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons a xs = consV a xs
consV :: a -> Vector' t a -> Vector' t a
consV a (Zero b) = Succ (Zero (a, b))
consV a (Succ xs) = Succ (consV a xs)
list04 :: List Int
list04 = cons 0 list03
-- Helps to have a destructor...
des :: List a -> Maybe (a, List a)
des = desV
desV :: Vector' t a -> Maybe (a, Vector' t a)
desV (Zero _) = Nothing
desV (Succ (Zero (a,bs))) = Just (a, Zero bs)
desV (Succ xs) = case desV xs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a,xs') -> Just (a, Succ xs')
list05 :: List Char
list05 = fmap (chr . (+64)) list04