Copperbox revision 2430.
I've started a new music experiment ZScore to generate Csound - I'll rename it soon as will have the capability to generate both score and orchestra files. Orchestra generation seems to work quite well in the do-notation, with one unfortunate exception - variable names can't be reified, so they must be duplicated as Strings:
demo01 :: Doc
demo01 = runInstBuilder 199 $ do
iamp <- var "iamp" $ pfield 4
ifrq <- var "ifrq" $ cpspch (pfield 5)
a1 <- oscil "a1" [iamp, ifrq, 1]
out a1
Blog Archive
- zsnd
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-basic
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zsnd-core
- zscore - now zsnd-core
- zscore
- zscore
- zscore
- zscore
- zscore
- zscore
- wumpus-tree
- wumpus-tree
About Me
- Stephen Tetley
- Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.