Copperbox revision 818.
Improvements to annotations in Mullein. For Mullein, annotations now seem to be adequate - following the examples in the module Extended its simple enough to create and render new annotations. Annotations don't place much burden on other code - I've got rid of a the MakeNote typeclass that was a burden previously.
Annotations in Bala are still unsatisfactory - I've added temporary functionality (distAnnos) to annotate notes after they have been assembled into tunes, but really I need a comfortable means* to annotate whilst I construct tunes.
* i.e. some means that lets me separate pitch content from string numbers at least til I want to zip them.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Blog Archive
- Mullein
- groupoid-0.1.0
- Bala
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- Bala and Mullein
- Bala and Mullein
- Mullein and Bala
- Mullein and Bala
- Mullein and Bala
- joinlist-0.1.0
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- Bala
- Bala
- Bala
- Bala
- Bala
- Bala
- Bala
- Mullein
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- Mullein and Bala
- Mullein and Bala
- Mullein-0.3.0
- Mullein and Bala
- Mullein and Bala
- Bala and Mullein
- Bala and Mullein
- Bala2 - Bala
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2
- Bala2
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Bala2 and Mullein
- Mullein
- Bala2
- Bala2
- Bala2
- Bala2
- Bala2
- Bala2
About Me
- Stephen Tetley
- Disambiguating biog as there are a few Stephen Tetley's in the world. I'm neither a cage fighter or yachtsman. I studied Fine Art in the nineties (foundation Bradford 1992, degree Cheltenham 1992 - 95) then Computing part-time at Leeds Met graduating in 2003. I'm the Stephen Tetley on Haskell Cafe and Stackoverflow.